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Writer's pictureDebbie Wullschleger

Anxiety stops us from setting healthy Boundaries!

Boundaries are the limits you set for yourself.

It's the way you tell someone: So far and no further.

That is not always easy and for some reason, we often feel that we have not the right or don't feel worthy enough to do so.

Many of us have not been taught how to set boundaries as a child.

Even more... we were denied the right to have our own boundaries: We were told what to say, how to behave, how to react, what not to say, which feelings to have or not to have, and often we were denied to say what we really, truly think or feel... It is really sad, that many of us had to grow up and not having a voice and not being heard and valued for who we are.

I wonder if that all resonates with you.

I want you to know, that this was not right. You are unique and you never should've experienced any of this.

I say to you today: You have absolutely the right to set clear boundaries which will keep you safe. If that is with your partner, a friend, at work, with parents or siblings, with school peers...

You are worthy to take care of yourself and let them know when too much is too much.

Setting clear Boundaries requires you to change yourself.

Yes, It means that it's time to heal from those old wounds that still hurt so much...

It means, you will not be the people pleaser or doormat for everyone else anymore.

It requires you to establish what is important for you and what you stand for.

It requires you to show the respect and care you so deserve to yourself.

It means that you will not feel less anymore, so that someone else can feel more.

It means for you to put yourself first and know that you are worthy to do so.

Respectful relationships cannot exist without the presence of and respect for healthy boundaries.

When you draw a line in the sand and take a step backward every time someone crosses it. You may end up feeling unheard and unvalued, which will lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-worth and not good enough.

That again, will boost that anxiety, fearful thinking, stress and hurt.

Personal Boundaries are there for our protection and are essential to take care of ourselves and giving us permission to say 'NO' - so far and no further.

Through all the trauma work with my clients, it became very clear to me that having strong and healthy boundaries in life will set us up for success. It builds on our confidence and we feel more in charge of what we really want and where we are heading in life.

Let's work together to strengthen your boundaries and build up that self-worth and the deep wisdom to know that you have the right to set those boundaries for you own protection and safety.

- Debbie

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