Anxiety starts when we experience any fear.
One of the most common fears of people is the fear of failure in any life situation.
The fear of not being good enough.
The fear of not being good enough.
The fear of making a mistake and being judged for it.
The fear of not performing to what is expected.
The fear of making a fool of yourself.
The fear of not being good enough. Not good enough as a .... (mother, person, Manager, husband, friend, ....)
I wonder, how we can grow, become more experienced and succeed in life if we are holing back because of that fear.
Stepping out into the un-known can be a scary thing... I get that.
I clearly remember my very first coaching client. I was so scared and my inner self talk was filled with doubtful worries and questions of my capabilities to serve this client...
Only be stepping out of my comfort zone and trusting myself in what I learnt, did I experience success and a positive outcome.
My own coach and mentor said once: " Feel the fear and do it anyway"
THIS... this helped me so much for go for it and trust that I can handle whatever comes my way.
If we stay in that fearful place, we will be stuck in our worries, doubts, negative self talk... all the way to self-sabotage and possible self-harm.
Anxiety, overwhelm and worry will take over and stop us from living a full life.
It takes courage to embrace our failures and mistakes.
I want to encourage you to look at them as small seeds of growth.
" Mistakes are never a failure. If a person does not make any mistakes, it means they have never tried something new and learnt in the process.
Fail forward.... learn from your mistakes, get up and try again."
Now, when it comes to anxiety and the fear factor it holds, the source of the fear might sit deeper than we might see at first glance.
You see, anxiety is a symptom of a belief that the mind has created at some time in life.
A belief that has one goal: TO KEEP YOU SAFE.
For example:
Event: Belief: Behaviour:
- being bullied - I am not good enough - Not embracing new
- being shut down - No one cares about me - Low self-esteem and
- being abused - People how should love me, - Not embracing relationships
hurt me. and hesitant to socialise
- "You'll never be useful - I can't achieve anything and - Not confident to be successful
for anything..." will not succeed
Understand, these are general examples, and they show clearly, how anxiety is formed within our thoughts.
It's time to stop those limiting behaviours and it's time to STEP UP - STEP OUT and be OUTSTANDING to THRIVE in BUSINESS and PERSONAL LIFE!
TRTP™ will resolve the beliefs behind the anxiety and will give you the POWER to get back to HIGH-PERFORMANCE in any life situation you choose to!